Best Action & Toy Figures from Aven Rabbit Store for Toys Blind-Bag Figures Guess-Bag Desktop-Model Birthday-Gift Pre-Sale Aaru Garden Girl
Online Toys Blind-Bag Figures Guess-Bag Desktop-Model Birthday-Gift Pre-Sale Aaru Garden Girl Stores are just as safe and secure as any other online retail store as long as they will meet the same criteria -- the essential SSL certified seal and a safe and protected transaction system - the 2 main things that you look for on other online shopping sites. The difference is that you are purchasing some thing personal, something you will be dressed in, something that reflects your identity, so you will likely ponder longer, not about the decision of is it safe to buy this on-line but more so the decision of preference - do I really like it, do I really want it....Get Yours
Customer reviews:
Date: 22 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Продавец очень качественно упаковал продукт (воздушный пузырьковый пакет в сердечко), и + подарок: статуэтку котика, кстати тоже очень хорошо сделанного,плюс вложил небольшую карточку. Моя благодарность продавцу за внимание к деталям и небольшой сюрприз, таких эмоций не испытывала от покупок уже давно !!! О коробке: Из высококачествееного картона приятного на ощупь. После вскрытия коробки её можно закрыть на "нижние лепестки". Внутри коробки содержатся: Мешочек абсорбирующий влагу, карточкa с изображением фигурки, пакетик с игрушкой, и металлическая пластинка ( акустикомагнитная этикетка) О игрушке: Это что то невероятное! Статуэтка сделана исключительно аккуратно, раскраска это просто высший класс, проработана каждая деталь фигурки, прокрашены даже латеральные части лапок! Там же находится логотип марки и небольшая наклейка штрикода самой фигурки. Пластик тяжёлый приятный на ощупь, имеет матовый финишь, не хочется выпускать из рук. Продавцу передаю свою огромную благодарность !!!
Date: 22 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
a wonderful Seth is mine. excellent commincation with the seller about pre-order infos and a goodie.
Date: 22 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Great. I bought it like preorder. Seller super nice and talkative. Super good experience. I recived gif included :))) thanks a lot
Date: 26 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Super cute. Really good quality. With a little gift.
Date: 17 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Sweetest Horus ever!! Thank you so much for your Service and accommodation!! I'm so happy with this cute guy!
Date: 20 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
amazing quality! super cute! and got rare item! I am very happy! at the time when I ordered the store was working in pre-order mode. I had to wait 20 days but the seller reported it and sent it right away as promised! delivery was fast and the purchase was worth the wait! I am very pleased with the purchase! also the seller put little present. Thank you so much!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 03 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Very cute and come in good condition!! Got extra tiny cats too
Date: 28 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
It is precious. Excellent quality, fast shipping. Thank you for the gift, it is very cute and curious. I love everything, I will ask again ****************** Esta precioso. Excelente calidad, envío rápido. Gracias por el regalo esta muy lindo y curioso. Lo ame todo, volveré a pedir
Date: 06 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The product are really cute. The seller is really helpful. The first order was wrong pick style sending and my dispute was rejected by aliexpress. However, the problem was solved after contact seller directly by resending the correct one with payment only shipping cost. Thank you so much.
Date: 10 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Absolutely adorable! the paint is on point everywhere and I like that you can even turn the head :)
Date: 10 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Wundervoll, im Original sieht es noch besser aus , man kann den Kopf auch drehen, Lieferung war etwas lang, hat sich aber gelohnt. Hab das Glück gehabt Anubis zu kriegen. Empfehle es weiter. :D ( Wartezeit: 1Monat ab Bestellung nach Deutschland)
Date: 14 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
to my surprise, this figurine is quite big!! and cute and high quality. Definitely recommended.
Date: 25 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Excellent quality! Love them so much. Bit sad of not having any rare but it's my luck again.
Date: 09 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Looks good, seller put a little gift, came well wrapped. Will have to wait to see the quality of the figurine. Shipping was slow though
Date: 23 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Es una preciosidad. ¡Me encanta! . Está muy detallado y es adorable. Además el vendedor es un encanto, envió el paquete con un gatito de regalo y todo estaba muy bien protegido con papel de burbujas con forma de corazones. ❤ ¡Super recomendable! Volveré a comprar.
Date: 25 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Спасибо большое, рекомендую продавца!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 25 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
so happy with them might order again to try get a anubis <3 <3
Date: 26 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Very beautiful figurine, but too bad that it is the one I like the least. Nice little cat figurine, as a gift.
Date: 01 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Awesome figure!! Will be ordering another one soon.
Date: 24 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping